MICRO | 05

BRIEF : Design a way to materialise the blockchain.

Week 5


This week our agenda is to test with people with authentic music and see whether the idea is possible to be realised or worth continuing.

We asked our friends from different cultural backgrounds and tried layering two songs with similar speed for testing. We further tried different variation like instrumental and vocal sound.

As we realised this direction was not working, we took some time off and started brainstorming individually. After few hours, we again met online to discuss what we could think of, and we as group finalised an on keeping the blockchain-based music technology that will enable a fair distribution of royalty, tracking and securing the ownership of music rights.

Image credit : InesYIN

Image credit : InesYIN

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My brain was still developing concept. I made a visual depiction of what my ideas were around. I was still on a mindset of why music only if we are making a mashup, why not bring it to a more open-ended idea of preferring what goes with your interest.

Ines and Svaney took initiative of making a storyboard while I started building a system of our idea into blockchain technology considering algorand technology.


Building a storyboard


How blockchain technology exists in our concept?


Speed Dating With MA:UX peers

Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 1.43.41 AM.png

We presented our ideation on the table, explained what we were thinking, and gave them their direct thoughts on the concept. The speed dating method helped us better as direct communication makes everyone attentive to listen and think about it.

While speed dating, we also had small experimentation to do with their own hobbies or interest. We gave them an instrument to play sound and collaborate with another peer at the same time. In the feedback, they proposed that we have a platform to see all this happening to get the background of what this is about.

It was an excellent time to discuss my own idea also. I also showed my visual presentation about what if you co-create anything you like.

It could be Artwork + storytelling or Artwork + Skiing. Whatever seems interesting to you.

Everyone was positive towards the idea as it made sense to do what you like; otherwise, you won’t get Into a music mashup until you are really passionate.

Dr John Fass mentioned that our explanation about blockchain is better than before, but at the same time, he suggested looking back at what our central concept was while we were researching on the street, he said to make it 'real.'

Design the experience, next stage of what you did with street research. Bring Brixton and participation together.